Who Wants Eye Tattoos?

I guess you will never see anything more painful than this..
WARNING: Don't click here if you are not 18+!!


  1. ناقصة هبل ما هي ؟!؟

  2. 3an jad..What were they thinking Oh wila howe aslna they didn't think.. La w 2a3deen bikhtaaro alwaan kaman!! Alla ydeeemo 3aleehom..

  3. Habal Walla !
    They look like Demons anyway ,
    that's sickness

  4. إذا الشغلة بس شغلة صيحات
    ومين يعمل إشي جديد
    أنا بفكر أعمل نقش حنا على لساني
    وإذا في حد سبقني
    بعمله على سقف حلقي
    وإذا ولا بد
    بدي أعمله جوّات الزائدة الدودية

  5. J A Y S : Yes they do.. When I was watching the video my eyes tear from the ugliness of their appearance..

    sfo : LoL azon ma 7ad sawaha lissa hahaahha :)

  6. first of all 2AAAAAAAAYYYYY :(

    2nd of all.... 6AB WHY??? 2asasan scary and not nice at all O_o

  7. Mahowe 7aka ino isu2aal mish leee.. Isu2aal leesh la2? Yes shakilhom very scarey..


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